Friday, February 20, 2009

My passions

Hey guys, I'd like to tell you all about a few of the passions I've had since I was a child. I'm just gonna make a list of them so you can read them!

1. Chess

Ever since growing up I have always enjoyed a nice game of quiet chess with friends on a Saturday afternoon (I'm still lookin for players if any of you guys out there want to join me!!). I even used to play professionally when my mind was younger and fresher!! I was recently awarded Chess player of the year in the 1997 Spring Scholastic Chess Tornado for Grades 3 & 4! I am constantly honing my skills on Yahoo's Online Chess application against literally millions of other gamers across the world (my nickname is tyger168 btw ;) ). so try and catch me online sometime and maybe we'll have a real nice match together.

2. Drawing

As you probably already know, Besides seeing good movies and playing halo, i also enjoy drawing in my spare time. I havent been doing it as much lately because of halo and schoolwork and halo but I hope you appreciate some of my past sketches and animations! Here they are guys!

This next one took a while believe me.

3. Writing

Alot of people dont know this about me (well now you do! hehe) but I really enjoy writing biographies in my spare time. Here is one example I did my freshman year of college at penn state. Its one of my favorites!

K well ill leave on that note. Next week I hope i can post more but i think i may have to play halo with pat alot so we'll see (keep your fingers crossed!) K BYE!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

so it begins...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007